ALERT...The Hopes of Making A Lot Of Money In Your Sales Job ARE OVER...

Discover How Over 7,000 Ordinary Salespeople Have Left Their Low-Paying Sales Job And Are Making $500K A Year Using The Same Sales Skills They Already Have!

...this changes EVERYTHING for Sales Reps!


The Word Is Out...Businesses With Sales Teams Are Scared S!!tless Because Sales Are Down... AND GETTING WORSE!

Sales are getting worse because every person and business has Caller ID NOW and can see who's calling and people who don't recognize your number or aren't expecting your call, don't answer calls they don't recognize. And if they do pick up, most of them are buying on Amazon or through the internet.

Because of this, outside sales reps aren't making the money they want and are looking for better opportunities to provide for themselves and their family.

Are you experiencing this? If you're like most sales are!

I know that telling you that ordinary salespeople are leaving their sales job and making $500k+ a year is bold but they are.

It's changing EVERYTHING for sales reps! In fact, I get a few calls EVERY WEEK from companies all over the world who ask me to shut it down because they're losing their sales reps to this.

It's known as the "Sales To 7 Figures" business system and Sales Reps who enroll in it are making $500K in their first year. I'll show you the numbers in a minute to prove it.

Seeing that the average income for sales reps in the United States is ONLY $56, 214 A YEAR, you're giving yourself an 8x raise in one year.

Let me ask you..." how would making $500k in the next year change your life and the lives of your family"?


"Over $400,000 Increase In My Annual Income, Best Program Ever"!

Terry, your program absolutely works! I followed your program and had a $400k increase to my annual income. Thank you so much for giving me the tools to do so. This is the best program I have ever seen!!!"

Scott E.

Hi, I'm glad you're here. I'm Terry Wilson (more about me in a second), but because you're here, I'm going to presume that you like the financial potential, freedom, and other things that a job in sales has to offer...

but you're tired of...

  • you're tired of not making what you want or need to make...
  • you're tired of it being so hard to close sales...
  • you're tired that your income and paychecks are inconsistent...
  • you're tired of the job not being what you thought it would be...
  • you're tired of making tons of calls every day to find people to talk to...
  • you're tired of it becoming harder and harder to set the appointments you need...
  • you're tired of a boss riding you about not making sales or meeting your quota...
  • you're tired of working more than 40 hours a week and still struggling...
  • you're tired of liking sales but not getting the results you want from your job...
  • you're tired of not being in control of the time you have with your family.

If That's The Case, I Can Help...

If anything I mentioned above is true for you, I can help because I was in sales myself and now make over 1.2 million dollars a year selling online. Because of that, I've also taught over 8,000 other salespeople who weren't happy in their current sales jobs to do the same.

With this simple training, they've learned how to set up a 7-figure online sales business, using the sales skills they already have, and start getting the things they want out of their career and life.

Motivated salespeople around the world learn how to:

  • setup a simple online sales site and make 7-figures a year
  • sell something online and avoid the 50-60 hour work weeks
  • sell something online and have a consistent income
  • sell something online and have control of their schedule and work when they want
  • sell something online and never miss another child or family activity
  • sell something online and keep 100% of the commission
  • save thousands of dollars in taxes every year by having their own business
  • sell online and feel less stress and be much happier overall in life.
  • remove the middle man (their employer) and make much more money


If You Learn How To “Sell” (And In The Way I’ll Be Showing You On This Page), Then You’ll Have The Power To Create Your Own Economy, Write Your Own Checks,

And Have The Freedom You’ve Always Dreamed Of!

FROM: Terry Wilson

LOCATION: Salt Lake City, Utah

Dear Friend,

I'm Terry and I'm a salesman turned online sales millionaire and am the founder of a multi-million dollar online sales business that just a few years ago allowed me to say goodbye to the soul-sucking, day-to-day rat-race that many salespeople get stuck in, and the crazy thing is, and you're probably not expecting me to say this, but setting the business up and growing it, and getting to 7-figures was one of the easiest, simplest and fastest things I've ever done.

"And to map out the steps I walked through to do that...well, let me just get straight to the point because I know your time is valuable... If you're someone who hates their job or is tired of not making the money you want in it, who on Sunday afternoons feels that bone-chilling anxiety of yet another week stuck in a job that you regret and don't look forward, all to make someone else rich, keep reading because this will help you.

If you're someone who wants to take their family on that "vacation" that you promised but still can't afford, or buy that car you've always wanted, but still can't afford, or you want to buy a house but you can't afford it. If you're lacking freedom and you want to make money as fast and as easily as possible, then you might just have found the answer.

Let me explain what I'm talking about, and to do so, I'll start with my story...

Over 20 years ago, I started my career in sales myself...and often struggled. I wasn't great at it, I did what I was told to do by my managers. I worked hard, I worked long hours, weekends and evenings, but never really got to enjoy the big money I was told I would make.

I got to the point where I was tired of all of the things I mentioned above...the struggle, the low income, the inconsistent paychecks, 50-60 hour work weeks with little to no sales, my sales manager riding me to do better, and the high stress of not meeting the needs of my family.

I remember in one year, I sold over 43 million dollars for the company and I only made $106,000 for the whole year. I got tired of making my boss rich while he paid me pennies on the dollar of what I brought in, while he paid me next to nothing while I worked 60 hours a week. I wasted over 10 years working for that company, stuck with nowhere to go.

I wanted out. I wanted more for me and my family. All I wanted was money and freedom! And, maybe you want those same things too.

I wanted to stop making someone else rich by removing the middleman (an employer) and make 100% of what I was selling. I wanted to be in control of my life and my time, to work when I wanted, go on vacation when I wanted (and be able to afford to do it), and to treat my family to the things they wanted...and deserved.

But I didn't have any idea how to do this. How the heck do I set that up? How do I find a great product or service to sell? Should I sell the same product I'm selling in my job now or sell something different? What if I fail? How do I reduce my chances of failing? Those were the questions I was asking myself as my mind spun in circles on yet another anxiety-filled Sunday afternoon with the dread of another upcoming Monday morning. Until everything changed in an instant".

"The Easiest "Plug-n-Play" training I've ever taken. And I've increased my income by more than $382k in one year"!

Terry and team, I've done well at my software sales job but wasn't making as much as I wanted, and I have always wanted to work for myself. I was so excited when I found your program and knew it was what I needed to make what I wanted and give me the freedom I'd been looking for. It was the easiest training I've ever taken. I didn't have to have business or online sales experience. You and your team provided everything I needed and taught me how to use it. This has been life-changing. Thank you!!!"

John S.

That Sunday evening, I was browsing the internet trying to see if there was a better sales job I could do. I knew I wanted to stay in sales because it offered a lot of things other jobs didn't but truth be told, I really didn't want to move to just another "job" because they all just seem to have the same crap to deal with. This was a huge decision to make but I didn't know of a better option... when I was hit with an ad about online sales.

It was an ad offering an ebook for $40 and it talked about how I could start selling online, remove the middle man by selling something for myself, making 100% of the commissions, and how fast and easy it was to set up. It went on to explain how much money I could make, how I could be in control of my schedule, have no more boss, and all the things I could provide for my family.

The rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking about that ad. I had excitement in my stomach about how this "might just be the answer". I went home that night and found that ad. I sat there staring at it. I thought to myself, if I don't at least try to do this, try to do my own thing in life, to take a chance, I'll just stay stuck in the same 9-5 loop for years to come and always regret it and wonder "what if."

That thought of staying stuck, staying broke, scared the life out of me.

I went for it. I decided, enough is enough, I have to take action. I clicked on the ad and bought the ebook. It's the best $40 I've ever spent! I spent the next week reading and doing every step of the ebook.

What happened? Well, that was four years ago now, and in the end, it ended up taking me five months to make my first sale, because I only had this simple ebook that gave me basic tasks. I had no direction, I had no knowledge, I had no money and I thought that making a website, cold calling, and all that typical sales stuff we're taught, was the way to get clients. I was wrong. Very wrong. I now know that you don't need to do any of that.

You don't need to cold call. You don't need lots of money. You don't need to wait months to make a sale. You don't need some big, shiny brand or logo. You don't even need much time and you definitely don't need any experience to start selling online, you can start making really quickly. Now, I've shared my secret to doing it all in a matter of just days with over 8,000 salespeople now and most have been able to hit six figures in less than 30 days and many have gone on to hit 7-figures in a year. (Yes, I did just say you could make six figures in less than 30 days. And I'll prove it in a second).

But coming back to my point, using what I've learned, if we fast forward to the present day I now run a very successful company, I've even had the pleasure of working with some of the highest-paid salespeople who have decided to take their sales career online, into their own hands and moved to selling online with their own business, make 100% of the commissions, and having full control of their lives while making over $100,000 per month.

Each day I wake up, I jump out of bed, I plan my day, and can't even begin to tell you how much I look forward to the work week. My Sundays are no longer filled with dread, I spend them with my family, going to Church, resting, and enjoying amazing dinners together and I never experience Sunday anxiety like I used to before.

My old life is, well, just that. My old life and my new life? If I could have dreamed of my "almost perfect" life, that's the life I live today (except that I still want to buy a farm somewhere and I don't have it only because I haven't found the one I want yet) but I'm working on that now.

Now, picture this for me because I want you to experience that feeling yourself.

Imagine the feeling of being happy, and having freedom, never wanting for anything. Waking up every day knowing that with every passing month, five to six figures will hit your bank account, predictably and repeatedly. Imagine checking your bank account and seeing over six figures sitting there, ready to be invested, ready to buy that dream car or your dream house, ready to book that dream vacation you've always wanted to take.

Be honest with yourself and for just a second, lay aside your skepticism and allow yourself to dream. Imagine, if all of what I've just said came true for you, how would that make you feel?"


Now, if you're wondering how the heck you sell stuff for yourself, online, without a boss, and keeping 100% of the commission for the rest of your life, or how you might be able to set it up and get started and jump up to the six-figure per-month mark as quickly and easily as I mentioned is possible, that's where I might be able to help. See, I went from being a stuck, low-paid sales rep, stuck in a life I hated.

Stressed, lost, looking for a way out. I made every mistake in the book, but in the end, I got there.

All the mistakes aside, I did one thing right; I documented every step I took. I documented the things I did right, and the many things I did wrong by going it alone and trying to figure it all out on my own.

And through all of that, I've put together a 4-step process that any salesperson can follow. If you're seeing this right now and you're thinking "I'd love to achieve what this guy has achieved, the time freedom, the financial freedom, all of it, then this is for you."

It's known as the 'Blueprint to 7-Figures' and I've put it into a video training for you and believe it or not - (I promised you I'd deliver, didn't I)... I'm going to hand it over free of charge for the first 25 people who book a strategy session call with me over the next ten days.

Because I know that if I can just stop even one salesperson from staying in a job they are struggling in when they want more for their family, and from making all of the mistakes I made, wasting all of the money I wasted, the fulfillment I'll get from that will be worth the small time commitment on my part.

So, just below, you should see a 'book a call' button. I want you to click that button right now, book a call with me, and on the call, I'll hand over the blueprint for you and personally walk you through each step that you need to take to start making five figures in your online sales business in the next 30 days. Then we'll talk about how to take that income to 7-figures in the next 12 months.

And don't worry, the call is completely free and it is NOT a sales call.

So why am I taking up my time doing these calls over the next ten days? It's simple... I know that if I speak with 25 motivated salespeople and hand over all of the value I have to share, at least one or two of those people might also want my personal help and mentoring to accomplish it quickly and as mistake-free as possible, which I do charge a fee for, but again, if you just want to jump on a call, speak to someone like me who's achieved what you want to achieve and who makes over $100,000 per month, and take my blueprint from me and go it alone, that's no problem at all.

So again, hit the 'book a call' button below right now, choose a day and a time with me, let's jump on a call together and I will personally speak to you and map out for you exactly what to do, exactly how to do it, and exactly how you can start selling online in literally just a matter of days, and then how you scale it up to six-figures per month in income for yourself and your family.

Selling online is really not as hard as some people out there want you to believe and the minute you have the blueprint that I'll be sharing with you on the call, you'll know that to be true.

I'll leave you with this...

If I can do it, anyone can. I hated my life, I hated my job, I lived in stress and fear and anxiety and worry, and I got through it all and I now own a simple online sales business that's easy and fun to run, and that adds over six figures per month to my bank account.

On our call together, I'll show you exactly how I did it. So that you can do the same. There are better times ahead, so book a call with me right now, and here's to the next chapter of your life."

See you on the call,


Click Below To Book Your Call!

What Are You Waiting For?

Book now...and get your free training

'The Sales Persons Blueprint to 7-Figures'

"Sales jobs offer more income potential than any other job but they're hard! And they're known for very high struggle and failure. Until Terry's program, no one has ever offered an option to help salespeople make more money like they can with an online sales business. And then how he personally trains them makes it almost impossible to fail. It's changed the lives of thousands of salespeople and continues to create success stories".

Brian T. World Famous Sales Trainer

If I Could Share One Thing With You It Would Be...

If I could share something with you it would be this...what I'm offering you today is the answer to what salespeople dream of.

The reason for this is this...sales is the best job in the world because of the income potential and everything it offers but I'm sure you know that it's getting harder and harder to sell in traditional sales jobs now.

With everyone having a cell phone and being able to see your number coming through, it's almost impossible to reach potential customers unless they want to talk to you. Nationwide, across all industries, only about 22% of all salespeople hit their quota on a regular basis. That's a horrible statistic!

It's the exact opposite when you sell things with your own online sales business. My students, the over 8,000 salespeople I've trained don't have that problem and many are making over 5 figures in 30 days and six-figures a month. And doing it is amazingly easy to do and I personally teach you how to do it.

Since people spend a lot of time online, looking at social media, etc. you can easily put your product or service in front of anyone you want, as often as you want, even if you're selling the exact product or service you're selling right now.

Are you making $500k to 7-figures in your sales job right now? Imagine how that would be!

How would making six figures a month impact your life?

Give Me Just 30 Days, I’ll Show You Exactly How:

To Apply Your Sales Skills-Set Into A Simple Sales Funnel… Giving You The Power To Sell “An Infinite Number Of Sales"!

The biggest question I get from the salespeople who enroll in my training is "I know that selling online is where the biggest potential is, and I've wanted to work for myself but "how do I use the sales skills I have now... to sell something online"?

And that's a very valid question. Truth is, your sales skills are why current salespeople make so much money selling online.

Truth is, it's pretty simple. And your current sales skills are very useful, you will just need to make a few tweaks to sell online and you'll be amazed at how making 7 figures is very doable.

Here's what you need to know:

Selling online does take a:

  • a specific sales process that's created specifically for online sales (which I give you)
  • a few technical things like a sales funnel site, payment processing page, etc (which I provide for you)
  • and like your job right now, you do have to market it to the right people (which I teach you to do)
  • the right scripts to convert your prospects to buyers-(which I provide you)
  • a follow-up process to keep in touch with those who don't buy the first time they visit you (which I provide for you)

Once you have all of this dialed in, the income potential is unlimited.

My program, as you'll see in just a minute, gets it dialed in FOR YOU, provides ALL of this for you and then teaches you how to do what you need to do, to start making money online. Then I provide more value FOR FREE to get you to a 7-figure income as soon as possible. You'll do this with one-on-one mentorship with me, six-figure-a-month sales earner, Terry Wilson.

You'll have access to me and my world-class support team in case you need anything and by the end of our formal training, you'll be in full control of your sales, your income, and your future for the rest of your life.

I Know What You're Thinking...

You may be reading this and wondering..."can this be real"?

I understand your question and what I can tell you is that it has been very real for over 8,000 other salespeople who have moved to selling online and found wealth and freedom they weren't getting in their sales job working for someone else.

I've dedicated my career to helping salespeople because sales is hard and many great people struggle to make a good living for their family and many end up leaving their sales job because they can't seem to get what they need out of it.

Sales has the biggest income potential and offers the most freedom of any job in the world but it can be miserable and very stressful if you arent' getting to enjoy any of that.

I've been on both ends of what sales has to offer. The struggle and stress... AND THE WEALTH AND FREEDOM and if you're one of the many people who love the potential of what sales can offer and truly want to have it, selling online...FOR YOURSELF is the only way to get it. Unfortunately, you'll never be wealthy working for someone else.

If you're still wondering if this is real but see that selling online is where the real potential is and you really want this, I've taken the risk for you by adding a full money-back guarantee. If you don't get out of it what you want, I'll refund 100% of your money. Book a call and we can talk more about it.

But Don't Take My Word For It...

Here are just a few of my clients

Sound Too Good To Be True?

Sound too good to be true? My client Dante, that you see above, thought that too...and he almost tripled his yearly income in just 4 months. Imagine achieving tripling your own income in the next 4 months. And the best part? All Dante did to achieve that was sign up for my course and mentorship, be teachable and follow my step-by-step instructions, and be open to letting his life change.


The thing is, unless you're a VERY high performer in your current sales're toast. You'll struggle to succeed without moving to online sales. The success and income you want is exactly what my online sales business training provides you. And if you're thinking "why haven't I heard of Terry's online sales business training before", I'll tell you exactly why.

It's because I only work 1-on-1 with salespeople who are:

  • serious about taking control of their career
  • serious about making the money they're capable of
  • serious about skipping the middle man and making the money themselves instead of their boss
  • serious about stopping the struggle and stress
  • see that selling online is where the future is instead of working in a job for someone else.

Because I train you myself and give you my world-class support team, and don't just turn you on to a bunch of videos to watch, my time is very limited and so I limit the opportunities I open for new students. If you're seeing this page, it's because I currently have an opening or two to accept a new, serious salesperson looking to take control of their income, life, and career.


It was when I learned about how I could use the same sales skills that I already had, make a few small adjustments, and make a 7-Figure Income just by transitioning to selling online...that everything changed.

When I made the move, I escaped...

  • the pain of working for someone else
  • struggling to make six figures (in a whole year) much less in a month like I do now
  • working 50-60 hours a week
  • traveling all the time for the job
  • living with very little free time
  • high stress
  • and inconsistent income

...and there's absolutely nothing stopping you from doing the same.


Sales To 7-Figures

Business Training

(For Sales Reps Only)


Listen, can I just share the opportunity with you? Would you like to know how other salespeople just like yourself, have been able to leave their low-paying sales job working for someone else, and make 7 figures this year?

Imagine Learning Just a Few New Skills And You Make $500k, or Even 7-Figures In The Next Year?

How Would That Impact Your Life? The Life Of Your Family?

Picture yourself, right now:

  • never working for anyone EVER AGAIN (unless you want to)
  • never struggling for income EVER AGAIN
  • never missing another child or family activity EVER AGAIN
  • never working when you don't want to EVER AGAIN
  • never being reprimanded because you don't hit your quota EVER AGAIN
  • never live with the high stress of a boss riding you all the time EVER AGAIN

Would You Like To Stop Struggling?

Would you like to stop struggling with income with my help? If so, I've built a training program that will provide you with your own online sales business and then train you how to do it.

I train you how to use the exact sales skills you're currently using and start selling online, and by the end of it, you'll be making you six and 7-figures...all with me by your side teaching you, training you, mentoring you just like I have over 8,000 other salespeople just like yourself.

But what you're really getting isn't just a couple of training videos, you're getting control, you're gaining confidence, and you're finally going to gain full control of your income, your life, your family's stability, your schedule, and your career FOREVER!

Here's What a Few More Of Our Students Say

If Emily can do it, why can't you?

And if Doug can do it, why can't you?

And if Ali can do it, why can't you?

Your Next Step Is Simple...

All you have to do is set up a free Strategy Call

One the call:

  • we'll talk about your current job and how it's going for you.
  • we'll discuss what you want out of your career and if you're on track to achieve that.
  • we'll talk about what your goals are and if you'll be able to achieve them in a traditional sales job.
  • we'll discuss this opportunity and if it's a good fit for you.
  • If it's not a good fit, no problem, we'll part as friends and maybe work together another time.
  • if it's a good fit to work together and get your online sales business set up for you, we'll make an offer to you and let you decide.
  • If you're ready to get started, you'll join the community of over 8,000 other salespeople who have made the transfer to working for themselves, applying their current sales skills to selling their product or service online and reaping the rewards of having no boss, no middle man and having control over their own income and future.

I provide you with what you need to start selling online and teach you how to do it. And no, your own online sales business is not confusing or overly detailed. It's simple and very, very profitable. If Scott, Dante, and thousands of other salespeople can do it, why can't you?

We'll work together to get you making money quickly!

Here's What You Get for Joining Now

(Claim Your 90% OFF Scholarship)

The Sales to 7-Figures

Complete Training

What You Get

Terry's world-class training specifically helping salespeople has helped over 8,000 of them start selling online and make 6-7 figures a year. He'll teach you how to select the best and most lucrative product or service to sell and start to enjoy the income and freedom you've only dreamed of.

Terry's training is so successful because it's the only "hybrid" training model available to salespeople... part digital so you can take it when you have time, and face-to-face, personal one-on-one mentoring with Terry to make you succeed.

  • Complete Online Selling On-Demand Training Program ................... ($2,997 Value)
  • Decide Your New Income ..................................................................... ($497 Value)
  • Selecting Your 7-Figure Niche and Product ...........................................($997 Value)
  • Setting Up Your 7-Figure Business .................................................... ($1,497 Value)
  • Setup Your Payment Processor To Take Payments When You Sleep ...($497 Value)
  • Get Your First Sale ................................................................................ ($997 Value)
  • Make Sales When You Sleep-Set Up Your Automation ........................ ($997 Value)
  • How to close more sales without doing more work ............................... ($497 Value)
  • The 7-Figure Script-You'll Close Sales Without Resistance ................. ($997 Value)
  • Scale To 7-Figures In Year One ......................................................... ($1,497 Value)


  • Professional Marketing-Paid Ads-Your Ticket To Millions .................. ($1,997 Value)
  • Unlimited Support ................................................................................. ($997 Value)
  • One-On-One Mentoring (Hybrid Training model) .......................... ($4,997 Value)


And As If All Of That Value Isn't Enough, See Our Guarantee.

We Offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee Making Your Training Entirely Risk-Free.

Simply put, our training either provides you with what you want or you get your money back.

We’ll take all the risk! Your risk is ZERO.

All we ask is that you apply what we teach you and if you don't get your desired result, we'll pay you 100% of your money back, no issues, no hassles. You're success and results truly are the priority.

So What Are You Waiting For?

Let's Get You Started!

Book now...and get your free training

The "Sales To 7-Figures" System

But I Can't Offer This Forever!

Because I PERSONALLY train you, my spots are VERY limited depending on the time I have available. I pride myself on providing the absolute best service to my clients, and I can only do that for a limited number of people at a time.

That's why I only let 5 new clients per month enroll so that I can uphold such a high standard of service. This limited approach is what has allowed me to have a 98% approval rating from the over 8,000 salespeople I've trained over my 20-year history of training, mentoring, and coaching salespeople.

I make that promise to you, just like I've made it to my just like I've made it my other clients, so for the above reasons,, I will be removing the offer to work with me to set up, and create an online sales business that will explode your income and put you in control of your income and future, when my monthly limit is reached

But If You'd Prefer To Carry On...


If you'd prefer to carry on struggling in your low-paying sales job I can't stop you!

If you'd prefer to carry on struggling with meeting your quota, or working 50 and 60 hours a week and still struggling, again, I can't stop you from doing that.

Option 2:

What I can do however is help you to explode your income, put you in control of what you make for the rest of your career, and help you create a legacy for you and your family without costing you a fortune and overwhelming you with a ton of new time-consuming training.

If you'd prefer the second option, then go ahead and set up a time for us to talk about how to get started.

Book now...and get your free training

'The Sales To 7-Figures' Training


With Multi-Million Dollar Earning Mentor, Terry Wilson

seconds 2024 | All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2024